Other touching moments:
- seeing Juliana display all of her fashion inspired Silly Bandz on Craig’s leg
- having Meggen crawl up into my lap just to chat
- getting big bear hugs and one piece of candy corn from the host with the most, Ian
- watching all the cousins play together
- watching the oldest granddaughter and the oldest grandson help the youngest granddaughter tiptoe through the grass so she could feel like she was "playing" with all the other cousins
- laughing with my sisters
- celebrating Matthew's thirteenth birthday with his cousins
- And of course, just being together was great!
I think Anita mentioned that it was fun to be together in the summer and I have to agree. Being together, without having to worry about running off to someone else’s house for a holiday celebration or other obligation was a special treat.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, sometimes I forget how much fun it was to grow up in a big family. I am glad that every once in a while, at least, my children get to experience big family life while spending time with their aunts, uncles, and cousins, not to mention the grandparents !
Photo credit: Anita Absher Beyer with Kathlyn Rose Beyer's camera